Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus

Never buy store-bought hummus again! This easy Homemade Hummus is so quick, easy and delicious, save your money and make it at home. A few simple ingredients that are always in my pantry you have an incredible snack or sandwich/wrap flavour booster that always satisfies. The perfect pairing with the Discard Sourdough Naan.

Modifiers and substitutions will be at the bottom like always for anyone that needs to make adjustments. Possibilities include: Low FODMAP

Homemade Hummus

Smooth, creamy and savory, this Homemade Hummus is a household staple. In about 10 minutes you can enjoy this with crackers, naan, fresh vegetables or spread onto a sandwich or wrap. Incredibly versatile and delicious.

  • Food Processor or Blender
  • ¼ cup Tahini (well stirred)
  • ¼ cup Lemon Juice
  • 1 15 oz can Chickpeas (drained and rinsed)
  • 1½ tsp Garlic Powder (about 1 clove)
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil (plus more for serving)
  • ½ tsp Ground Cumin
  • 1 tsp Salt (more to taste)
  • 2-3 tbsp Water or Lemon Juice
  • Paprika (for serving)
  1. In the bowl of the food processor with the chopping attachment add the tahini, lemon juice and ¼ cup of the chickpeas

  2. Process for about a minute until the chickpeas are chopped finely, the tahini and lemon should be blended and distributed throughout.

  3. Scrape the sides and blend for another minute. This helps to whip and cream the tahini with the lemon for a smoother texture.

  4. Add the olive oil, garlic, cumin, salt, and half of the remaining chickpeas.

  5. Process for about a minute, scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl around the chopping attachment.

  6. Add the remaining chickpeas and process until quite smooth and consistent.

  7. At this stage the hummus will be quite thick and may have some larger chickpea pieces. While the processer is running slowly add in the 2-3 tablespoons of water or lemon juice. I prefer lemon juice because why would I want to water it down, lemon juices packs a punch of flavour.

  8. Once you achieve your desired consistency, stop the processor and check for salt, add if needed. If you are finding it still a bit chunky scrape the sides again and process for a few more minutes.

  9. Depending on your desired consistency and/or quality of your food processor you may want to finish in a blender. Mine is never perfectly smooth out of the food processor.

  10. Transfer to a bowl, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with paprika to serve. Store hummus in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to a week – if it lasts that long.

Ry’s Rating: 8/10 – “Would love it smoother” – We need a new processor

Appetizer, Snack

Depending on your equipment, you may want to play with a few batches of Homemade Hummus to find the perfect process. My food processor isn’t the best and this hummus always turns out a little chunkier than store bought. As a last step running it through the blender or a quick whip with a handheld immersion blended ensures that it is perfectly smooth.

Modifiers and Substitutions

Low FODMAP: Ditch the garlic or garlic powder and use garlic oil instead of plain olive oil.

Cauldron Corner

  • Chickpea: Accomplishment, purpose, fertility
  • Cumin: Prevent theft, protection, fidelity
  • Garlic: Strengths, courage, endurance, protection, health, inspiration, male fertility
  • Lemon: Romance, love, friendship, creative energy, joy, happiness, fulfillment, break bad habits, purification
  • Olive: Luck, protection, peace, harmony, fertility
  • Paprika: Boost energy, strength
  • Salt: Protection, purification, barrier, shield
  • Sesame Seeds (Tahini): Lust, money, prosperity, abundance, remove spiritual impurities