Dairy-Free Basil Pesto

Dairy-Free Basil Pesto

There are a few key foods that feel hard to replace when you decide to go dairy-free. Finding a good plant based butter, an ice cream that satisfies your cravings without having a weird texture and traditional elements that are hard to replicate. Pesto was a surprisingly big deal when it came down to it for me, there were a lot of dishes where I incorporated it and I just couldn’t find a dairy-free version in the grocery store. Wanting to pay proper credit and recognition to Bad Manners (formerly Thug Kitchen) for the foundation of this recipe. I was beyond thankful when I found their version and made a minor tweak to fit my tastes. Used in The Best G-Damn Lasagna this Dairy-Free Basil Pesto adds so much depth, and stands alone on pasta so well.

There aren’t many modifiers or substitutions for this mix, I will add any as I find them; but the Cauldron Corner will be at the bottom as always!

Dairy-Free Basil Pesto

This super versatile pesto is great on pasta, sandwiches and will add depth to complex dishes. Being able to enjoy this without needing dairy is such a game changer.

  • ⅓ cup Slivered or sliced almonds (Toasted)
  • 1¼ cup packed torn basil leaves
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 2 tbsp Water
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 2-3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
  • ½ tsp Lemon zest
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 2-3 Garlic cloves
  1. Toast the almonds by either laying them on a cookie sheet and baking at [wprm-temperature value=”350″ unit=”F”] for 7-8 minutes or in a dry skillet for 4-5 minutes.

  2. Put the basil and almonds in a food processor and chop a few times to get started.

  3. Add in the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. If it looks a bit dry you can add in more oil or water depending on your taste. That's it, enjoy!

Main Course
basil, dairy-free, pesto

Modifiers and Substitutions

Nuts: Substitute the nuts as needed, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds all work great in this Dairy-free Basil Pesto.

Cauldron Corner

  • Basil: Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness.
  • Garlic: Strengths, courage, endurance, protection, health, inspiration, male fertility
  • Lemon: Romance, love, friendship, creative energy, joy, happiness, fulfillment, break bad habits, purification
  • Salt: Protection, purification, barrier, shield
  • Olive: Luck, protection, peace, harmony, fertility
  • Almonds: Banish addiction, fertility, luck, beauty, wealth, love