Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia

Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia

I have recently developed a love affair with focaccia, it might be one of my favourite breads. And making it with sourdough makes it that much better. This Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia comes together relatively quickly, perfect for a cozy weekend dinner; but truth be told I might eat half the thing by myself with some good oil or a marinara. I’m a woman who loves carbs, and this is my carb happy place.

There aren’t many modifiers or substitutions for this mix, I will add any as I find them; but the Cauldron Corner will be at the bottom as always!

Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia

Homemade focaccia doesn't have to be intimidating, this discard sourdough skillet focaccia comes together quickly and can take on all the flavours you want to throw at it.

  • 170 gram Discard Sourdough
  • 1 tsp Quick Yeast
  • 1¼ cup Water, warmed between [wprm-temperature value=”105″ unit=”F”] to [wprm-temperature value=”115″ unit=”F”]
  • 2¾ cup All-Purpose Flour
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • ¼ cup Olive Oil (Plus extra to grease bowl)
  • ¼ tsp Large Flake Salt
  1. In a large bowl or stand mixer bowl combine the starter, quick yeast, water and flour. Mix on low speed for a few minutes to incorporate, scrape down the sides and increase the speed for 8 minutes.

  2. Once the dough is wet and sticky, not soupy but more of a batter consistency, add in more flour part at a time if it seems too wet.

  3. Add in the salt and continue mixing for another 3-5 minutes.

  4. Once the dough begins to ball together and pull away from the sides of the bowl it is ready to rise.

  5. Grease the sides of the bowl to prevent the dough ball from sticking, cover the bowl with a damp towel, bees wax wrap or plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled. About 1-2 hours.

  6. Position one oven rack at the bottom of the oven and one in the centre of the oven. Preheat the oven to [wprm-temperature value=”500″ unit=”F”]

  7. Lightly oil all sides of the cast iron skillet with about 2 tbsps of oil and scrape the dough into the skillet. With your fingers press the dough out from the centre gently popping some of the air bubbles.

  8. Top with the remaining oil and dimple the dough pressing the oil into the dimples.

  9. Let the dough rise until doubled for about 1 hour. Dimple the surface one more time, use a spoon to redistribute any large pools of oil. Sprinkle the top with the flaky salt and any other toppings that you may want to add.

  10. To a 9×9 or 9×13 pan add at least an inch of cold water, this will go on the bottom rack of the oven to create steam during the bake.

  11. Set the pan of water on the bottom rack and get the skillet on the centre rack. Bake for 15 minutes, do no open the door during this time.

  12. Once the 15 minutes is up, rotate the focaccia, reduce the heat to [wprm-temperature value=”450″ unit=”F”] nd bake for another 5-15 minutes until the top is completely golden brown.

  13. Remove from oven and let rest for 10 minutes. Remove from the skillet and let cool completely (almost completely) before devouring.

Ry’s Rating: 9/10

Store at room temperature in an air tight container for a few days, but it likely won’t last that long. 

discard sourdough, focaccia, skillet, sourdough

Cauldron Corner

  • Olive Oil: Luck, protection, peace, harmony, fertility
  • Salt: Protection, purification, barrier, shield
  • Wheat: Conception, rebirth, fertility, abundance, prosperity, Goddess

The potential to pair this Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia with the sabbaths is almost limitless:

  • Yule: Rosemary, Sage, Saffron, Apple slices
  • Imbolc: Basil, Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary
  • Ostara: Sage, Lavender, Ginger, Edible Flowers
  • Beltane: Lemon, Mint, Rosemary, Asparagus, Spring Greens
  • Litha: Lavender, Thyme, Yarrow
  • Lammas: Garlic (raw or roasted), Rosemary, Basil, Poppy, Nuts, Honey, Apple slices
  • Mabon: Sage, Rosemary, Cloves, Yarrow, Nuts, Pomegranates
  • Samhain: Sage, Rosemary, Apple, Pumpkin, Mushroom

And beyond, top with olives, sundried or fresh tomatoes, raw or roasted bell pepper, goat cheese, feta, bacon, crumbled ham, spinach, artichoke, raw, sautéed or caramelized onions, eggplant, zucchini, heck turn it into pizza with some sauce, pepperoni and cheese. Have fun, play with it and find new ways to enjoy your Discard Sourdough Skillet Focaccia.